We invite all our customers to join us on Saturday June 4th, 2016 for our customer appreciation day.

Free Food, Ice Cream and Drinks – Burgers, Sausages, and Full-Serve Ice Cream Truck!

DOOR PRIZE – All attendees will be entered to win a free Polaris robotic cleaner valued at $1349.00

Pool opening season is almost complete and we want to show our appreciation by hosting a day of discounts and prizes for everyone. We ask everyone to come visit us between 10am – 4pm grab a bite and pick up everything you need for the pool this season.

We have a great new line of pool toys for all ages and some hot new products to see!


There will be discounts on chemicals, toys, pool equipment and other in-store products so don’t miss out!

SALE OF THE DAY – Polaris P93 Robotic Cleaner on Sale from $1349.00 to $1049.00

View our customer appreciation day flyer below or click here.

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